Thursday, October 15, 2009

Socialization- Growing Man Metaphor

In class today we discussed the growing man metaphor. As many other things we've discussed have been of interest to me and have opened my eyes, this is another thing to add to the list. We don't usually stop to think about how we have evolved over the years and what factors have shaped who we are. We start out as little babies born into the world with no abilities other than breathing, crying, and going to the bathroom. We're simply helpless, as Mr.Salituro put it. But then, over time we get older and begin to learn new things and become less dependent on our parents. We learn to be self-sufficient and we begin to walk and talk. We become aware of our surroundings and see what it is we need to do in order to survive. Everything around us in one way or another influences us. For example, I grew up in a separated family. That alone has influenced me in many ways. For one, I've inherited the womanly role in the household so I've been doing my own laundry and cleaning since I've been in 3rd grade. I've been forced to mature and grow up a lot quicker than many other kids. I learned what it meant to be responsible and take care of myself. I can almost guarantee that if my parents hadn't gotten divorced, I wouldn't be half as independent and self-sufficient as I am now. The experiences that we go through and the challenges that we face throughout life define who we are. We are affected by everything around us and it's really fascinating how everything comes together.


  1. I completely agree: we are influenced by everything and especially everyone around us. We become fully human because of our interactions with others.

  2. I agree with what both of you said. I think that every person becomes influenced by the people in their life and their home and other surroundings. I think that people become adapt to what they have grown acustom to and what they believe to think is to be "normal" through interactions with all sorts of different people.

  3. i also agree with all the above but i think that people are influenced by their own decisions

  4. I do agree too! I think its a combination of nature and nurture.

  5. I also agree. We are like clay that is shaped by our environment. Our environment makes us who we are today.

  6. Nice post JF! Look at all these comments!
