Thursday, October 1, 2009

America- How do you see it?

In class we've been examining American culture. We've touched upon what our norms are and how they differentiate from other countries'. I think that it's been some food for thought since most of us have probably never tried to look at our nation from an outsiders point of view. Everything that we've grown accustomed to is normal to us. But from a foreigners point of view, what we do is not normal. For example, in the article we had to read called "Bemused in America", there are scenarios about the norms of our American culture and how one from a different culture may perceive them. We, as Americans, have adapted to the lives that we've been provided with. From advanced technology to designer clothing, we've evolved into a materialistic country. Keeping in mind the "Affluenza" reading, our culture circulates around money. We have become a fast paced, greedy society. Whether that's good or bad is a personal opinion, but it's quite interesting examining our culture and the reputation we have earned.


  1. i think its hard for American's to look at America with on outsiders point of view

  2. I think that as Americans, we are so custom to seeing things at only our perspective that we forget to see things at other cultures point of views which can cause Americans to be close minded.
