Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Guest Speaker

When Mr.Salituro's former student came in to class and talked about her experience in Kenya, Africa, it really got me wanting to do something like that in the future. Since we've been studying culture for the past couple weeks, it seems like it would be such a cool experience to be able to live in another culture for a good period of time. She talked about how she had to research for a while before her trip to learn about the culture in Africa so that she wouldn't offend them or anything of that sort. Because I want to go into medicine, I think it would be so rewarding for me to go some place like Africa or somewhere extremely different than America. I would be able to help the underprivileged and give to them what I've been so lucky to get my whole life. While I appreciate everything I have been given and while I've learned to not take things for granted, I feel like I'll never truly appreciate the life I've been living until I step outside of our culture and explore one much different. I want to do something that I can learn a lot from and get a sense of what it's like to not be an American for once.


  1. Me too, her experience shows how sheltered we really are and making trips to other countries with extremely different social norms can open our eyes to so many new things.

  2. I really think it would be interesting to see just how organizations like MSF function. It really is stepping out of your comfort zone, but it's a life altering experience.

  3. Yes - it would be a great experience and it would make you see your own culture differently. Lots of schools have programs like this and many are tied to medicine.

  4. this is the volunteeer op a different student of mine did:

    You could do it this summer!
