Thursday, November 12, 2009

Teenagers & Socialization

This past week in class we've been discussing socialization and the role of teenagers in our society today. We, teenagers, aren't really defined as adults. We are looked upon solely as "children" going through a change in life, or one may say we are trying to find out who we really are. We are looked down upon and characterized as irresponsible and disobedient. I think I'm a really good example of a girl who could be called an adult, and not be generalized as a teenager. I matured at a very young age because my dad didn't force me, but taught me quite early on the essential responsibilities I would eventually need to have. At just 8 years old, I was doing my own laundry and cleaning the house. He didn't care that I was just a 3rd grader, he cared that it would be of my benefit later on so who cares about the age. My dad never had to tell me to do anything because I would just do it. The typical teenager, as we are generalized, is always being told to clean their rooms or when asked to do their laundry, they may reply with a "I'll do it later" or " I don't know how" and so they consistently put it off, thus resulting in them never really learning how to do their laundry. People look at us as kids that don't know what the real life is like. But like Mr.Sal said in class, then what is this? A fake life? No. It's not. While I can understand the generalizations made about teenagers, I believe there are many exceptions like myself. I don't think we are really given a chance to prove to society what we are capable of because they look down at us like we aren't able to be like adults.

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