Thursday, November 19, 2009

Deviance/ 30 Days

Today in class we watched the show 30 days. Also, we learned about the shocking facts that America has the most amount of people locked up. This fact kind of scares me. While watching the show though, and taking into account that all of the men that were in the prison were there because of drug related crimes or because they were being "deviant" in other ways, I formed a strong opinion. I think that depending on what the crime was, by locking those guys up and resulting to prison, isn't helping them to better themselves. By making them suffer, that's not doing anything to help their problem.If anything, I think it's making matters worse. For those with drug problems and addictions, when they are put in prison, that's like adding oil to the fire. They are going through terrible withdrawal and when they get out and can finally get their fix again, they may turn into an ever bigger drug addict because they are so withdrawn. While it is important to crack down on people for drugs because of the drug epidemic and the severity of drugs, I think we should be more concerned about bringing these problematic people to rehab facilities where they can actually get help instead of throwing them behind bars. Even though people won't change unless they really want to, it could at least be a more effective approach to the problem of putting these people in a prison where they don't belong. They belong either in rehab or an institution.


  1. yeah, it's shocking the things you find out about jails.

  2. This is exactly what we were talking about today after class. We should focus more of out attention and money on helping these drug addicts instead of just throwing them in jails. They are more likely to clean up from a drug program in a rehab center than just build up anger and frustration in a jail cell for 10 years.

  3. I agree with what you were saying. I think that instead of throwing people in jail for drugs and just expecting them to serve their time and be completely clean is ridiculous and unrealistic, most of their time should be spent in rehab centers

  4. I think there is a happy medium between jail time and rehab time. I think people being convicted with drug possession/use/dealing should be nailed with both....this way they learn a lesson and get help for their problem.


  5. Yeah I agree with you that its more important and would be a lot more effective if some some prisoners go to rehab or insitutions instead of being locked up in jail since that might only make matters worse after they get out.
