Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Obama's Speech

In class we were able to watch President Obama's inspirational speech about education. While listening to Obama speak, there were many things going through my mind. He mentioned that our country depends on us and that the future of our world depends on us. And as I thought more and more about that, it made me realize that it's true. What all of us in our generation do with ourselves now and what we accomplish is going to be what will shape the future. Generations from now, people will be studying our era of time and the innovations we came up with and all of the things that we accomplished. We all might individually think, well I'm just one person, I'm not gonna make a difference in this world or change anything, and in a sense that may be true, but if we all do what we are capable of and work together, we can all make a difference in this world together. We don't know what we can do if we never give it a try. Also, Obama made me think about how if I become a doctor one day, while I might not change the world, I can help better the lives of sick children and people. Our education really is important, and so is being sociologically mindful of that :)


  1. I thought that Obama's speech was really good and that a person has to start somewhere in order to try and motivate an entire country. You will be a great doctor too :)

  2. It's almost like all microsociological interactions lead to the big macrosocial one. Obama made it clear that we have to press onward, but being aware of what we have to do in order to get there.

  3. Obama's speech really made me look forward into my life and understand that the problems that our parents generation made now are gonna be the problems that we have to fix. We are definitely in a time where every student has to work harder in order to be able to acquire the proper intelligence to move our country into a brighter future

  4. I will for sure go to you one day if you are a doctor!!!! Obama is such a great speaker and can really inspire people to work hard to achieve their dreams. GO FOR THE GOLD BABY!

  5. Well i wasn't in class but it sounds like Obama knows how to inspire people to do the right thing.It's crazy how much kept gathering up and now everyone knows that something needs to change.
