Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Bronx Tale

The past few days we watched A Bronx Tale. The boy in the movie, who is called C and Collogero is influenced in many ways as he gets older. We see him as an innocent little boy sitting on the stoop of where he resides. For his age, he is exposed to many hard core things and acts of violence that kids at a young age don't typically ever see. He sees what the community he lives in is all about and he learns the ways of the Italian mobsters. His parents try and protect him from the violence but C gets attached to Sunny, the Italian mobster, and can't seem to keep his distance from him. The town he lives in is mostly racist and they don't like when groupies or gangs are on their grounds. Since C comes from a family that doesn't have a lot and because his parents are always trying to protect him, C doesn't do anything more than observe everything that goes on. When C was in the bar when Sunny and his clan beat up those guys, C just watched. He didn't fight because he wasn't taught that way. When C's friends beat up the African American boy, C tried to convince them not to and he didn't take part in it, he just watched it happen. C is the perfect example of a boy who is greatly influenced by the community he was brought up in, yet he still holds his own values and tries to do the right thing.


  1. In my blog I also commented on the fact that C doesn't really get involved in fights. His father figures (Lorenzo and Sonny) both tell him to keep out of trouble. Because he respects both these men, C tries to stay out of trouble.

  2. I agree with you. I believe C does this because of the different groups he comes from. His family has taught him to never fight, but on the other hand his friends and Sonny encourage him to stand up for himself and his beliefs.

  3. I also agree usually you do what were taught growing up as a kid and that is what was taught not to fight. It's so weird how one person can change a lot of people
