Thursday, December 10, 2009


As we've been studying and as it's pretty obvious, the social class of our family is bound to determine the social class that we grow into. My grandparents were both part of the upper middle class. My grandfather was a lawyer and my grandma was a stay at home mother that watched over her four boys. My other grandfather was a business man and my grandma worked full time. My dad never went to college to earn a professional degree but he became lucky enough to start several of his own businesses and become successful at quite a young age. My mom on the other hand became an R.N. and went to Loyola University. So both of my parents that came from the upper middle class, moved on to attain their upper middle class status's. Because my parents had these resources available to them and had many opportunities in their childhoods to make something of themselves, they did. If my parents grew up in poverty, I can be sure that they wouldn't have become what they have today. My dad may have but otherwise my mom wouldn't have had the money to attend nursing school and college. And this cycle continues on to me and my siblings. We've all grown up in the northern suburbs where very little poverty exists. We've never had to worry about if we were going to be able to eat dinner or have heat in our home. We've all had our own bedrooms and have been very fortunate to live in the house that we do. My sister has gone on to graduate from the University of Illinois and now she's going to graduate school to become a Psychologist. While my brother is undecided with his life, he's still managing to get by. And me, I'm going to the University of Iowa to major in pre-med and then fulfill my dreams of becoming a doctor. The social class in my family has remained the same throughout the generations and I see myself passing this same social class on to my family in the future. This analysis of social class within my family has proved to me that social class has a lot to do with one's ancestors.


  1. I'd have to agree, living where we do today we are very fortunate. My parents weren't as lucky when they were younger so I am glad to have them help pave the way and make it easier for my sister and I.

  2. I agree with your blog. The area in which we live in, everyone is very fortunate for the things that we have. Part of my family members are not as fortunate so when they visit it really opens my eyes to realize how fortunate I am.
